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About Us

We are Faith Connections LLC and we create custom apparel for those who take great satisfaction in exhibiting Faith & Fashion. Although some may disagree, we believe it is incredibly possible to be Holy and High class. Faith Connections is a born-again believer based apparel company. Whose purpose and goal are to provide 2-fold truth and understanding to the world about the word of God. We display the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Most importantly to express the mysteries and revelations of God in a modern significant way. Faith Connections stands on our foundation of Matthew 21:21-22. Our phenomenal team is extremely dedicated to the mission set forth by our founder.

We pride ourselves in the uplifting others through the outward expression of truth and faith. Many times, people fall into awful seasons in their life, and sometimes the simple things can help them overcome that season in their life. During a low season we can sometimes forget the promises that our Lord has given us. So that is where Faith Connections steps in! We work relentlessly to be the small token of motivation to anyone in need, by capturing your eye with our stylish apparel or our heart touching words. Either way we want to remind those who know and inform those who do not, where and who their strength comes from.  

We come to spread the Gospel and look good while doing it.

Faith Connections LLC